The different MCU revisions
Revisions of the senseBox MCU
During the development of the senseBox MCU, several revisions were developed. The current version is the V1.5. The following overview shows you the differences between the individual revisions. Basically, all versions are compatible with each other and differ only slightly in hardware.

Differences between the senseBox MCU revisions
Revision 1.3 is the first version to be delivered from 2018. It is equipped with an acceleration sensor (BMX055) and a micro USB port.

MCU Revision 1.3
V1.5 with USB-C port
Version 1.5 of the senseBox MCU is equipped with a USB-C port. This allows for easy and fast connection to the computer. Version 1.5 is compatible with all previous versions of the senseBox MCU.

MCU Revision 1.5
Because of the scarcity of electronic components, a batch of revision 1.5 was delivered without an acceleration sensor (BMX055). If you are unsure whether your senseBox MCU has an acceleration sensor, the graphic below will help you. The upper version of the MCU V1.5 has an acceleration sensor, the lower version does not.

MCU Revision 1.5 without acceleration sensor