📄️ Particulate Matter Sensor SDS011
With this sensor SDS011, it is possible to determine the particulate matter concentration in the air. The sensor outputs two values: the concentration of PM2.5 (particles < 2.5 µm) and PM10 (particles < 10 µm). This sensor is equipped with a small fan to draw in air. Inside, there is a laser that, together with a photodiode, measures the number of particles. The results of the measurements are given in µg/m³ (micrograms per cubic meter).
📄️ Particulate Matter Sensor SPS30
Der Particulate Matter Sensor SPS30 ist ein hochpräzises Gerät zur Messung der Luftqualität, das speziell für die Erfassung von Feinstaubpartikeln entwickelt wurde. Er misst die Konzentrationen von PM1.0, PM2.5, PM4.0 und PM10 in der Luft. Das Gerät verwendet eine fortschrittliche Laserscattering-Technologie, um die Partikel zu zählen und deren Größe zu bestimmen. Die Messergebnisse werden in µg/m³ angezeigt.
📄️ CO2 Sensor
The SCD30 is a precise CO2 sensor from the Swiss manufacturer Sensirion.
📄️ Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor
Soil Moisture and Temperature Sensor Truebner SMT50
📄️ Ethernet-Bee
With the Ethernet-Bee, you can connect the senseBox to the internet and transmit measurement data.
📄️ GPS
GPS u-blox CAM-M8Q Multi GNSS Modul
📄️ Water Temperature Sensor
The DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor that is addressed via a 1-Wire bus. It can measure temperatures from -55°C to +125°C and is waterproof. It is therefore ideal for measuring water temperature.
📄️ I2C-Multiplexer
senseBox I2C-Multiplexer
📄️ Temperature and Humidity Sensor
Temperature and Humidity Sensor (HDC1080)
📄️ Brightness and UV Sensor
Brightness and UV Sensor
📄️ Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
📄️ Microphone
Condenser Microphone
📄️ Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor
Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor (DPS310)
📄️ Absolute Orientation Sensor
Bosch BMX055