Volume Sensor
The DFRobot SEN0232 measures the volume and outputs the measured values in decibels.
Techincal Information
- Dimensions: 60mm x 43mm x 9mm
- "Plug-in-and-Go" senseBox compatible
- Input voltage: 3.3-5V
- Output voltage: 0.6-2.6V
- Measurement range: accurate between 30 dBA and 130 dBA
- Measurement interval: 125 ms
Programmierung (Arduino)
#define SoundSensorPin A1 //this pin read the analog voltage from the sound level meter
#define VREF 5.0 //voltage on AREF pin,default:operating voltage
void setup()
void loop()
float voltageValue,dbValue;
voltageValue = analogRead(SoundSensorPin) / 1024.0 * VREF;
dbValue = voltageValue * 50.0; //convert voltage to decibel value
Serial.println(" dBA");